Good News! God’s Redeeming Grace

Baby Weeber #3 is coming!! We are pumped, ecstatic, praising God for yet another miracle.  We were so tired, so worn out.  Even the Faithful feel faithless sometimes.  I was there -  I didn’t understand why this process that had worked so well the first two times just wasn’t happening.  I didn’t understand why God wasn’t answering our prayers.  None of it made sense.  GOD WAS WORKING. HE HAD A PLAN.

12 long months.   10 of those with fertility medications.  6 failed IUI’s.  The emotional rollercoaster that comes and goes each and every month.  More testing, more doctors appointments.  Our IVF treatment was scheduled for late February… little did we know, we wouldn’t be needing that appointment.

GOD WAS WORKING. HE HAD A PLAN.  He covered me (us) in so much grace.  My bad attitude, my questions, my faith that felt so weak, he was working through it all BECAUSE the day we found out my due date it.all.made.sense.  We are due with our sweet babe, September 11.  Exactly 3 years after my ruptured brain aneurysm and brain surgery.  You guys, God’s got a REDEEMING plan for the things he takes us through!  For us, He’s taking a fearful, uncertain, close to death day and redeeming it with JOY, ANTICIPATION, and LIFE! 

I know this is just a due date, that it doesn’t necessarily mean that our babe will be born on this day… but after a year of waiting, trying, crying and questions, I do not care. 

I see hope.  I see life.  I see beauty from ashes.  I see love.  I see God’s Redeeming grace.
